Neurosurgeon reveals dangers from Wi-fi, smart meters and cell phones

Neurosurgeon reveals dangers from Wi-fi, smart meters and cell phones

Exposure to radiation, including that from cell phones and wi-fi, causes leakage in the blood-brain barrier — the brain’s first line of defense against infections and toxic chemicals. Some of the most concerning conclusions result from the fact that even the weakest exposure levels to wireless radiation caused the greatest effect in causing the blood brain barrier to leak.

Could wifi be giving kids cancer? Research says yes . . .

Could wifi be giving kids cancer? Research says yes . . .

Pets, nature, and wildlife suffer from exposure, too. With the worldwide “Race for 5G” there is even more harmful WiFi being installed everywhere.  Doctors, scientists, environmental organizations, and concerned citizens are fighting the installation of 4G and 5G small cell towers everywhere, too. According to recent social media posts by Dr. Naomi Wolf, 5G is already causing distress to some New Yorkers and their pets.

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