Iron Tonic 4 fl oz

Tasty Tonics™ are concentrated liquid herbal formulas designed with meaningful doses and blended with natural flavors and essential oils to taste great and encourage compliance for daily use. Iron Tonic™ maintains healthy iron levels with a delicious blackberry flavor.

• Featuring 10 mg of Elemental Iron, from natural and gentle, highly bioavailable form of iron: Ferrous bisglycinate (Ferochel®)
• Red raspberry leaf is a mineral‐rich botanical, including iron and other supportive minerals
• Lemongrass herb offers digestive support, as well as general red blood cell maintenance support
• Beet root juice is one of the best vegetables to support iron and red blood cell support. Maintains healthy cellular oxygen levels


Maintains healthy iron levels with easy to use, delicious blackberry taste; Gentle on the system, natural iron supplementation.

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Antiviral/Virus Immunity
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