Conditions Articles

Why do some researchers refer to Alzheimer’s as the Type-3 Diabetes?

What if the dementia is really a form of diabetes? And what if a proper organic whole food diet can make the difference? This explosive discovery was made by Dr. Suzanne de la Monte from Rhode Island Hospital.

Molecular Hydrogen: Serious Anti-inflammatory Therapy (VIDEO)

Watch short educational video about cytokines, and how hydrogen therapy works to reduce the damage caused by inflammation in many conditions including rheumatoid arthritis, cancer and chronic pain.

High Blood Pressure Medications

High Blood Pressure Medications

The most common side effect of an ACE inhibitor is a nagging persistent cough. These drugs can also cause an imbalance in potassium levels (too much) which in turn, may create cardiac irregularities – the very thing they are prescribed to prevent. Garlic, tuna, sardines, hawthorn berry, whey protein and omega-3 fatty acids are just some of the foods that act as natural ACE inhibitors.

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Imbalances caused by cholesterol-lowering drugs can be corrected

Imbalances caused by cholesterol-lowering drugs can be corrected

I realize that high cholesterol levels are found in heart disease, but nutritionists contend this is but a symptom of the disease, not the cause. High cholesterol is symptomatic of many other diseases as well and is caused by an underlying nutritional deficiency, dietary intake and lifestyle. A deficiency of the B vitamins and magnesium harm artery walls and weaken the heart muscles. Rancid and hydrogenated oils are very toxic to the heart. Lack of exercise, high stress levels and depression all contribute to heart disease.

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Lemon Balm Ice Tea with Raspberries (video)

Lemon Balm Ice Tea with Raspberries (video)

Anti parasitic, antiviral, and antibacterial throughout the body, lemon balm fights the Epstein-Barr virus, shingles, and other herpetic viruses such as HHV-6. It’s an amazing herb for tonsillitis, which is inflammation caused by strep bacteria. Plus, lemon balm detoxifies the liver, spleen, and kidneys, and helps reduce bladder inflammation, which makes it a star for alleviating interstitial cystitis and urinary tract infections (UTIs).

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Oxygen deprivation cause of headaches

Oxygen deprivation cause of headaches

In the United States alone, about one in every six people suffer from Chronic headaches and migraines. They suffer infrequently, but regularly. When this happens, it’s hard for the rest of the body to do any kind of work when the head is suffering from great pain. Studies have shown that about $50 Billion is lost every year due to workers not being able to work because of chronic headaches.

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